Another Lap around the Sun

Astro turned 25 this summer. From indoor skate ramps doubling as reception desks to the dotcom bubble and burst to a 3-story designer habitat, the Astro mothership continues to grow and evolve with each new crew member that comes on.



Founded in 1994, Brett has led a motley crew of designers (and those who love them) through many evolutions of the studio.

In order to commemorate this momentous journey, we naturally threw a party. 100+ current and past employees and friends came out to celebrate in our gallery space. Art was made on skate decks, poses were struck in the photo booth, wonderment was brought through sleight of hand tricks (yes, we had a magician) and tunes were curated and spun by Woodigs. Thank you to everyone who came out, and cheers to many more years of fighting gravity!

SWAG! We handed out bags full of goodies which included a custom beanie, pins, patches and t-shirt.

Speeches were given, tears were shed, cheers and laughter felt by all.

Temporary tattoos left some people wondering if they should run and get it really inked.



AstroStudios part of PA Consulting, designs high impact brands, products & experiences at the epicenter of technology, culture & design #fightgravity